Doctor consultation room round table layout

How to design your Doctor consultation room for Patient-Centred Care

Does your doctor’s consultation room feel cold and impersonal? It might be affecting …

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Soft skill training in medical education

In the setting of healthcare, the emphasis has traditionally been on technical expertise …

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The Importance of Nonverbal Communication in Healthcare

Nonverbal communication is a very broad term used to describe any communication that …

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Video recording software for medicine

Today’s dynamic medical setting is more complex than ever, and the evolution of …

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importance of reflective practice in healthcare

The importance of reflective practice in healthcare training

The field of healthcare is constantly evolving. New medical advancements emerge at an …

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What is shared decision making in healthcare? A conversation with an expert

What is shared decision-making in healthcare? Shared decision-making (SDM) in healthcare is a …

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Training communication skills with Videolab

How Dutch doctors train communication skills.

The Dutch population is blessed with an excellent healthcare system. The Netherlands has …

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AMEE conference 2023

Videolab at AMEE conference 2023! The AMEE conference this year, held from the …

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Inter professional collaboration in healthcare

  “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a …

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NVMO Congress – Inter-professional collaboration in healthcare

  The NVMO conference took place on the 11th and 12th of May. …

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