We are grateful to the many professionals that have been instrumental in the development of the application and for providing direction for its further development, we specifically want to express our gratitude to:
- Birgitte Schoenmakers, An Stockmans and Guy Gielis from Interuniversity Center for GP Training (ICHO), Flanders, Belgium
- Frits Bareman, vice president of GP Training ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Jae Klaasen and Shadi Giliani from AmsterdamUMC (campus VuMC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Haske van Veenendaal, Maaike Schuurman from the Dutch Federation of Cancer patient organizations (NFK)
- Saskia Boom from AmsterdamUMC (campus AMC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Ramona Guerrieri and Hanny Prick from University of Maastricht UMC, Maastricht, the Netherlands
For the guidance in the needs of medical education, product vision and innovation leadership.
As well as the following organizations:
- The Interuniversity Center For GP training in Belgium (https://www.icho-info.be/)
- The GP Training Netherlands (https://www.huisartsopleiding.nl/)
- Nederlanse Federatie van Kankerpatiënten Organisaties (https://nfk.nl)
For their guidance in the product roadmap, guidance in the medical landscape, and the endorsement of Video-Lab.
And last but not least we express our gratitude to the hundreds of medical professionals and educators that provide us with feedback and suggestions on a regular basis allowing us to tune the roadmap to their future needs.
Together we dance in step toward a simple and safe digital future.