General practitioner training with Videolab – Belgian universities


General practitioner training with Videolab – Belgian universities

ICHO logo

ICHO is the Interuniversity Center for General Practitioner Training, an organization created together with KU LeuvenGhent UniversityAntwerp University and the Free University of Brussels. An Stockmans and Guy Gielis are the directors of ICHO and they were in charge of solving the logistical and administrative challenges for all aspects of the general practitioner training in Flanders. More than 4000 trainees, trainers and coordinators are involved in the program on a yearly basis.

The problem

“ICHO is striving to be a learning network organization. The IT platform is an essential part of this link since all students, GP trainers, supervisors and teachers are spread across Flanders. ICHO needs a high-performance, secure and ultra user-friendly IT platform where the data files and all applications are fully integrated. Today’s world of hyperconnected individuals provides opportunities for ICHO to move a number of traditional training components online (e.g. entry-level and periodic exams testing, online assessment, realistic scenario-based medical proficiency testing) as well as creating new training instruments, such as Codific’s Videolab subsystem for soft skills training.”

An Stockmans

The solution

When it comes to successfully managing the logistics of an organisation the size of ICHO the whole administrative and educational ERP system must be a complete turnkey solution. Codific provided Videolab to ICHO that uses an extensive and well-defined API and a Single Sign-On system to allow the students, trainers and teachers to access Videolab via their central educational portal.

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Guy Gelis

“We chose Codific because we were very satisfied with the applications that they have first developed, i.e., the online testing platform, the Videolab platform and training platform.”

 Guy Gielis

Videolab served for ICHO as an online soft skills training platform with peer-reviewed real world patient consultations hosted in a highly end-to-end secure environment. Codific have extended Videolab with a set of complementary subsystems. Initially, ICHO’s generic online examination platform where university administrators could upload a database of coded exam questions and have a knowledge test compiled within minutes. A subsequent extension allowed ICHO to organize a full range of training courses for all students and trainers. This all has helped ICHO to improve their general practitioner training.


“The choice for Codific is therefore based on the development and their knowledge of an integrated one software platform in which all data are interconnected and can be entered online and being consulted.“

An Stockmans

After several iterations Codific has refined the existing subsystems into a complete solution with an internal ERP system, which seamlessly integrated a rapidly growing set of features and modules. These include a number of third party systems as well, such as Medbook and Sophia. Perhaps the most notable module recently added to the overall system is the Attendance App that tracks (compliant with GDPR) all attendances to courses, seminars and even externally organized training sessions. Once again, aiding in improving the systems used in general practitioner training.

Our platform serves more than 4000 users on a daily basis and empowers them to focus on their core mission: to make the world a healthier place

Chavdar Gushterov, Product Manager at Codific